Projects with this topic
This app consumes the live feed of all recent wikidata changes and streams them to kafka
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Collection of stream transformers and utils to help working with wikidata
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A streaming app to fetch the wikidump-repository from the internet and stream geographical entities to kafka
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Streaming app to get data from into the geolinker
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A streaming app that fetches the geographical authority file from the gnd and streams the content to the geolinker
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A small script to fetch geonames data, normalize them and stream them to kafka
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A streaming app to get data from the fundmuenzen collection
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A streaming app for the ethz library
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This app fetches all geographical entities from and streams them to kafka
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A more general lib to transform a csv and send the result to kafka [topic: linker and topic: geolinker]
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A small app to stream the content of a csv table to kafka
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A small module to crawl an api and provide a stream to extract the collected data
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